101+ Raspberry Pi Projects For Electronics Students

Raspberry Pi: It is one of the trending and in demand object in the field of computers and electronics. Also this is very low cost (the latest model costs only $35), high computing capacity, different connectivity options (there are 40 General purpose I/O pins) and extremely small size. Here, we have curated solid list of raspberry pi projects for electronics students with category wise, which include both electronics and computer programming (like Python), hope this will helps you.

Raspberry Pi is a cheap, credit-card sized, fully featured computer that can do almost anything a desktop computer can do. It is developed by the Raspberry Pi foundation to explore computing, and to learn how to program in languages like Scratch and Python for people of all ages. With Raspberry Pi, we can watch videos, surf the web, learn to program, hack and even can be integrated with electronic projects. As of June 2015 more than 6 million Raspberry Pis have been sold.

A Raspberry Pi is actually a PCB with chips, components and sockets stuck on it. The latest model of the Raspberry Pi is called Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. It has a Broadcom SoC powered by ARM Cortex CPU and runs on Linux OS. It has an HDMI port, 4 USB ports, Ethernet port and a combined port for 3.5mm audio jack and composite video.

Raspberry pi

Simple Raspberry Pi Projects with Codes [2017 ](In Electronics Hub)

  1. Raspberry Pi – Basic Setup without Monitor and Keyboard (Headless Setup)
  2. How to setup WiFi on Raspberry Pi 3?
  3. How to setup WiFi on Raspberry Pi 2 using USB Dongle?
  4. How to Setup Touchscreen LCD on Raspberry Pi?
  5. How to Setup Static IP Address on Raspberry Pi?
  6. First Python Program on the Raspberry Pi
  7. How to Blink an LED using Raspberry Pi and Python?
  8. Interfacing 16×2 LCD with Raspberry Pi
  9. Controlling a DC Motor with Raspberry Pi

More projects coming soon…..

Raspberry Pi Camera Projects

  1. Raspberry Pi Interactive Led-Mirror: Here an interactive mirror using raspberry pi was developed. It has a tiny camera that records the gestures in front of this and illuminates the leds according to these gestures.
  2. Thermal Polaroid Camera: How to Build a Polapi polaroid is a camera that gives tiny prints within few seconds. This is thermal instant camera. This project shows the building of this camera using raspberry pi, raspberry pi battery, charger.
  3. 3D-Printed Raspberry Pi Skycam for Drone-Free Aerial Video: The skycam is a little robot that travels on a rope with camera fixed on it. The camera can pan and tilt. It can also turn to the corners.
  4. Raspberry Pi Webcam Robot: Raspberry pi webcam robot shows the adding of a camera to the robot or remote controlled car. The video can be seen in the smart phone or tablet.

Raspberry Pi Robotics

  1. Ball Tracking Robot: This project shows the ball tracking robot. This robot takes the images of the ball process them and accordingly tracks the ball.
  2. MeArm – Your Robot: Mearm is small pocket sized robotic ARM. This project shows the building of the robotic arm.
  3. Flying Hunter-Bot: This quadcopter is designed using raspberry pi. This is designed to use to rescue disaster victims.

Raspberry Pi Flashing Led Projects

  1. Getting to know Raspberry Pi: This is basic tutorial showing the introduction to Raspberry Pi. If you are new to raspberry pi this gives very good knowledge about it.
  2. Glow board Plotter: The glow board plotter is made using a glow in dark sheet, a stepper ,64UV leds and raspberry pi. A webserver is used to receive the images, control the motor and plot them.
  3. Plotter Made from Scrap Computer Parts: A plotter is designed from the scrap computer parts in this project.This can be controlled over the wifi.The stepper motors
  4. Controlling the Brightness of LEDs with PWM on Raspberry Pi 3: This video shows the controlling of LED using raspberry pi PWM.
  5. Get a Flashing Meeting Reminder with a Raspberry Pi: This projects shows how to build a flashing remainder with the raspberry pi.The raspberry pi is programed in such a way that it reads the google clanedar and flashes the leds if there is any meeting in next 10 minutes.

Raspberry Pi Wi-Fi Projects

  1. An Amazing DIY Raspberry Pi Music Player: A raspberry pi music player was developed here.it uses a Pi, SD card, Wi-Fi dongle. A prebuilt software called pi music box was used here.
  2. Build a Wi-Fi Drone Disabler with Raspberry Pi: This project shows the disabling Wi-Fi drone using raspberry pi. go through the project for more details.

Raspberry Pi Programming Projects

  1. Voice Controlled Raspberry Pi: This project shows the program for voie commands in raspberry pi. This program can be edited simply.

Raspberry Pi Fun Projects

  1. Simple Raspberry Pi Photo Frame: The raspberry pi photo frame is the best option for some looking to display the images and memories of their loved ones.
  2. Fisher Price Talking Chatter Smartphone: Talking chatter smart phone is a toy. Here in this project raspberry pi was used to make it more smart. It uses a Wi-Fi module inside to connect to the network. It has interactive voice response. This is currently hooked up to forecast, rotten tomatoes and twitter. This can be further extended to another API’s.
  3. BeetBox: The beet box proposed here allows you to play the drum beats by simply touching the beets. This uses a capacitive touch screen, an audio amplifier and raspberry pi. The setup is placed in a wooden box.
  4. Raspberry Pi Smart Target: Here a smart target is developed using raspberry pi. This target when hit by any object it produces the sound and a congratulations message is displayed on the LCD. It also has following features, it will grab capture the image and upload it to the social networking.
  5. Christmas Light Controller: This project shows Christmas light project powered by using the raspberry pi.

Raspberry Pi Computer Projects

  1. Lunch Box Computer with Raspberry Pi: A simple computer that fits in a lunch box using raspberry pi was developed here.
  2. Raspberry Personal Assistant: Here a raspberry pi personal assistant device is developed. It contains an intercom, raspberry pi. It is a voice controlled device. The personal assistant here is small computer which does lot of functions as a person can do.
  3. Raspberry Pi Car Computer: A small, cheap Raspberry Pi based computer for car is designed here. It has a lot of interfacing options like HDMI and Composite RCA for video, HDMI and 3.5mm audio jack for audio.
  4. Super Computer using Raspberry Pi: Individuals can’t own a Super computer as they are very expensive and take a lot of room. Super computers are generally used by research and development centres, applications where billions of instructions are to be carried out. Using a cluster of Raspberry Pi, we can construct a super computer of our own. This project demonstrates a way to implement a super computer using Raspberry Pi.

Raspberry Pi GPIO Breadboard Projects

  1. Raspberry Pi GPIO LED Project: This is a simple project showing how to use a raspberry pi to control the LED using GPIO pin.
  2. Raspberry PI GPIO with PIR Motion Sensor: This project using raspberry pi B+/model2 shows interfacing of PIR motion sensor.

Raspberry Pi Model B Projects

  1. Oil Level Monitoring: This project shows monitoring the Oil level in the equipment. This done using a force sensor connected to the raspberry pi. If the oil level is below the thresh hold it indicates the user. It uses Azure IOT suite and UWP app.
  2. Ultrasonic Value to Thing Speak: This project shows the program to interface ultrasonic sensor to the raspberry pi.
  3. PatientCare: This project shows a patient care system that monitors the patients to provide them the service required.

Raspberry Pi Arduino

  1. Wireless Sensor Network System Design using Raspberry Pi: A low cost, easy to customize wireless sensor network is designed using Raspberry Pi and Arduino. The main advantage of this system is the integration of wireless sensor network, database server and web server in to a single computer-the Raspberry Pi. Thus, the complexities of wireless sensor network development can be significantly reduced.
  2. Real time Monitoring & Data logging System using Raspberry Pi: A Raspberry Pi based data monitoring and logging system is designed. As the Pi is an ARM based system, it provides high speed, better accuracy and good flexibility. Temperature sensor and an Arduino board is used which is used to serially transmit the data to the Pi.


  1. OBD-Pi: OBD stands for onboard diagnostics. This project shows you how to interface raspberry pi to a bluetooth OBD II adapter to display real time data of the car engine.
  2. PICAXE Raspberry Pi ADC: This project shows interfacing ADC by using cheap PICAXE microcontroller to the raspberry pi.
  3. Turn your Raspberry PI in an Oscilloscope with BitScope: Learn here how to turn your raspberry pi into analog/digital measurement tool. It uses bioscope micro.
  4. Garage Door monitor using Raspberry Pi: This project shows the garage door opener system which provides the notification via email, SMS, twitter about the status of the door.
  5. Build This DIY Touchscreen Music Player for Your Car: This is DIY project using which one can build a touch screen dash board for your car.
  6. Make Your Own Wireless Printer with a Raspberry Pi: This project shows turning a printer into wireless printer using raspberry pi.
  7. Raspberry Pi Controlled QuadCopter: An autonomous quadcopter using raspberry pi was developed here. It has wireless communication and images processing capability.
  8. Broadcast FM Radio Station, with a Raspberry Pi: Here is the project showing the building of a radio using raspberry pi.
  9. My off grid solar system monitoring: This project shows monitoring of the off grid system using raspberry pi.
  10. Automatic Book Scanner for Ethiopia: An automatic book scanner is designed here using raspberry pi. This is an affordable scanner using pressurised air for turning pages gently.
  11. PiClock – A Raspberry Pi Clock & Weather Display: Here is a clock using raspberry pi. It can display the weather and radar map on the display monitor. This display monitor is a HDMI monitor.
  12. Touchscreen Internet Radio: This is a simple internet radio with touch screen using raspberry pi.
  13. Raspberry Pi Wall Mounted Google Calendar: This project shows a wall mounted raspberry pi calendar. This calendar can be wired or wireless. It uses a monitor to display the calendar and raspberry pi for developing the calendar.
  14. Water Cooler using Raspberry Pi: A water cooler system using raspberry pi was developed in this article. This uses a 3D printing technology for building this project. If though 3D printer is not available one can build this project.
  15. Raspberry Media Player Casing: Here is project showing to build your own internet and multimedia station to play movies. You can browse and watch YouTube videos at very low cost. It uses simple raspberry pi, LAN cable, HDMI cable, audio cable, USB cable and SD card.
  16. Raspberry Pi Microwave: Here a microwave is redesigned using raspberry pi. This smart microwave has its clock automatically updated from internet. It can be controlled using voice commands. It also uses barcode scanner for instructions in online database. It also tweets when it finishes cooking.
  17. PiPhone – A Raspberry Pi based Smartphone: A smart phone is built using raspberry pi in this tutorial. This uses a pi, touch screen and a SIM 900 GSM module.
  18. Raspberry Pirate Radio: The raspberry pi radio proposed here can be used for home, silent disco, school etc. It requires pi board, A SD card, power source.
  19. Raspberry Pi Bluetooth In/Out Board: This project can be used to monitor who is in the home or office. This system is placed at the entrance to check who is entering and leaving the office or home.
  20. Turn a Raspberry Pi Into a Portable Media Centre with an Old VCR: Raspberry pi in this project is converted into a portable media centre. Raspberry pi alone can make a great media centre. But here it is placed inside a old VCR to make it a portable device.
  21. Mini Raspberry Pi Handheld Notebook: This project shows building of a hand held notebook using raspberry pi. It has a wireless key board and a pi tft display. This can be changed to touch screen.
  22. Talkie Pie using Raspberry Pi: Talkie pi is a walkie talkie designed for the kids. It uses mumble chat system for voice communication. This takie pi can be communicated with any device like phone or computer.
  23. Turn an old CRT Television into a Raspberry Pi Powered MAME Cocktail Cabinet: This article presents building of a arcade machine using raspberry pi and an old CRT television.
  24. Controlling a stepper motor with the Raspberry Pi and Piface: This project shows, controlling of stepper motor using raspberry pi and Piface.
  25. Solar Powered Raspberry Pi: Raspberry pi used in this project is powered by using solar energy. This projects uses a solar panel, battery, raspberry pi.
  26. Raspberry Pi Temperature & Humidity Network Monitor: A temperature and humidity network monitoring device is developed here.
  27. Making an autonomous boat using a Raspberry Pi (WiP): FishPi is a project with the goal of doing just that and crossing the Atlantic, using the Raspberry Pi to pilot the craft. The first step in this project is the Proof-Of-Concept Vehicle (POCV). The POCV will test the basic principles of autonomous control with a Raspberry Pi, and I’m going to show you how to make your own.
  28. Smart Cap: The smart cap is virtual reality head set built using raspberry pi, LCD screen, webcam, micro phone. These can be used in video games, helmets etc. It functions similar to a google glass.
  29. Motion Detection Alarm System: This project shows the motion detection system using raspberry pi. This sends an email or sms when any motion is detected in a room.
  30. Safe and Simple AC PWM Dimmer for Arduino / Raspberry Pi: This project shows AC PWM dimmer with raspberry pi. The circuit shown here uses a mosfet in the diode bridge to control the dimmer instead of a triac.
  31. Raspberry Pi Air Drum Kit: This article shows an air drum kit using raspberry pi. It provides clear and impressive sounds with every movement.
  32. Pi Cart: This project explains about Pi cart. This pi cart stores 2400 vintage games in NES cartridge. It requires a raspberry pi zero, old NES cartridge and small USB Hub.
  33. Turn your Raspberry Pi Zero into a USB plug-in dongle: This video shows the turning your raspberry pi into a USB dongle.
  34. Raspberry Pi LCD: How to Setup a 16×2 LCD Display: This tutorial shows interfacing a 16X2 LCD display to the raspberry pi instead of a complicated displays.
  35. A Raspberry Pi Hadoop Cluster with Apache Spark on YARN: Big Data 101: This Project shows building of haddop cluster using raspberry pi. This project uses raspberry pi, Acrylic case, usb charger, usb cable SD card.
  36. Hack Your Pebble Steel to Control Your Raspberry Pi: Pebble steel is smart watch. This project shows turning this smart watch into an remote control using raspberry pi.
  37. Damp-Pi – Room Moisture Extraction with Raspberry Pi: Damp pi is a device that extracts moisture in the room. This device monitors the humidity in the rooms and switches on the fan until moisture level is reduced to acceptable level.
  38. Streaming Videos using Webcam: This project shows the interfacing a web cam to the raspberry pi, so that the video can be viewed from anywhere in local network.
  39. How to make a DIY home alarm system with a raspberry pi and a webcam: This project shows building a DIY home security system with pi. Although wireless CCTV cameras are available any one with receiver can view the video.
  40. Raspberry Pi Weather Station: This is a Raspberry Pi based weather station that can be used to monitor the climate. This can be used to monitor temperature, humidity and intensity of light. The data is stored so that it can be analyzed using any spreadsheet software.
  41. Switching Relays with Android & Raspberry Pi: Raspberry Pi along with an Android App is used for switching relays. Up to 8 relays can be switched using this setup which can be connected to any electrical appliance like fans, lights, motors etc.
  42. Raspberry Pi Radio Transmitter: A simple, low range FM transmitter using Raspberry Pi is constructed. The frequency for transmission is 100MHz. A jumper cable is used as antenna. (Read your local laws about broadcast frequencies).
  43. Switching mains electricity with a Raspberry Pi and a remote control: A system which controls the power to mains electrical devices is developed using Raspberry Pi. The switching of mains supply can be done without any physical contact with the help of a remote control.
  44. Monitor Your Home with Raspberry Pi: A device that is used to monitor your home using a central interface is developed. This uses a Raspberry Pi board with a number of extra sensors and modules. A high definition camera module is used to take high quality pictures. Temperature and humidity sensors are used for their respective monitoring.
  45. Cloud Server using Raspberry Pi: A personal cloud server using Raspberry Pi is constructed. An external hard disk is used as the main storage device into which data can be read and write from any remote connection. Files up to 2GB can be stored at a time.
  46. Home media centre with Raspberry Pi: A Home Media Centre using a Raspberry board is developed. High definition content can be played on full sized HDTV’s with this module.
  47. Camera Robot using Raspberry Pi: In this project, a Raspberry Pi based robot with camera is constructed. It can be controlled by using a web browser on a smart phone, tablet or a computer. Additional sensors like proximity sensors can also be integrated.
  48. Solar Powered FTP Server using Raspberry Pi: A FTP server, which can be used to access file 24/7, is developed in this project. A Raspberry Pi board is used along with a solar panel and few rechargeable batteries. An external hard drive is hooked up to the system and the static IP address for file sharing is set up.
  49. Raspberry Pi Control of Dual H-Bridge: L298N is a Dual H-bridge used to control the speed of the DC motor. Raspberry Pi comes with a single PWM channel. Hence, this project uses a software controlled PWM. Two DC motors can be controlled using a single L298N. The spinning direction and the spinning speed can be controlled independently. The module can be used in robots, wheels and conveyors.
  50. Geolocation Tracker using Raspberry Pi: This project is used for real time tracking applications. Both GPRS and GPS technologies are used for accurately tracking and mapping the location. The GPS coordinates are captured and transferred to a web server using an HTTP request. These coordinates are then converted to maps using Google Maps.
  51. Touch screen Music Player with Raspberry Pi: A music player with touch screen control is designed in this project. Based on the requirement, the device can be setup for individual usage or for car audio system.
  52. Raspberry Pi Solar Data Logger: A Raspberry Pi based solar data logging system is developed. Raspberry Pi is used for data processing and uploading the data, that is collected from different sensors, to a web server using HTTP protocol. Sensors of temperature, voltage and current are used.
  53. Raspberry Pi based Minecraft Server: Raspberry Pi can be used as a server for the popular game Minecraft. This project is used for setting a Raspberry Pi as a Minecraft server. In order to use a Raspberry Pi as a server for Minecraft, it should be overclocked.
  54. Facial Recognition with Raspberry Pi: This project is used for facial recognition. The Raspberry Pi camera module is used to for this purpose. It is an application of computer vision which detects objects shape and colour. The steps include image acquisition, computing and image recognition.
  55. Image Processing using Raspberry Pi: This project uses Raspberry Pi and a camera module (or a web cam) for image processing. The web cam captures the images and displays it on the screen and blob of particular color can be detected.
  56. Raspberry Pi VPN Router: Unencrypted internet is always a threat. A virtual private network (VPN) is a way of hiding crucial information by encrypting the connection. In this project, a Raspberry Pi based VPN router is developed which can act as a portable private network even when using public internet.
  57. Smart Surveillance Monitoring System Using Raspberry PI and PIR Sensor: A surveillance system that is capable of recording/capturing video/image and transmitting it to a smart phone is developed. It uses Raspberry Pi board to control and operate the cameras and motion detectors. Motion detectors are basically passive infrared sensors.
  58. Wireless Sensor Network System Design using Raspberry Pi: A low cost, easy to customize wireless sensor network is designed using Raspberry Pi and Arduino. The main advantage of this system is the integration of wireless sensor network, database server and web server in to a single computer-the Raspberry Pi. Thus, the complexities of wireless sensor network development can be significantly reduced.
  59. Real time Monitoring & Data logging System using Raspberry Pi: A Raspberry Pi based data monitoring and logging system is designed. As the Pi is an ARM based system, it provides high speed, better accuracy and good flexibility. Temperature sensor and an Arduino board is used which is used to serially transmit the data to the Pi.
  60. Digital Advertising using Raspberry Pi: A digital advertising system is designed using Raspberry Pi. The output device can be anything from LED matrix displays to big multiple HDTV’s. The content of the advertisement can be changed via a computer by using the same network between the Pi and the computer.
  61. Raspberry Pi Based Liquid Flow Monitoring and Control: This project is a Raspberry Pi implementation of liquid flow monitor and control. This can be monitored over the web using a smart phone or a tablet. Generally, used in industrial applications where continuous flow of liquid is present.
  62. Raspberry Pi as a Wireless Access Point: Raspberry Pi is converted into wireless access point. An USB dongle is used as the main source of internet. The set up will allow other devices to access the internet through the Raspberry Pi.
  63. Low Cost Home Automation Using Offline Speech Recognition: In this project, a low cost home automation system is implemented using a Raspberry Pi board. A unique feature of speech recognition is added to this system. The implementation of sound intelligence in home automation will assist physically challenged.
  64. AirPlay Receiver for iPhone using Raspberry Pi: AirPlay allows wireless streaming of media between an Apple Device (iPhone or iPod) and an AirPlay enabled speaker. In this project, a Raspberry Pi is used to convert an ordinary speaker into an AirPlay speaker using a Wi-Fi connection.
  65. Handheld Notebook using Raspberry Pi: A cost effective handheld notebook is designed with the help of Raspberry Pi. Such portable devices can be used in monitoring and controlling webcams, prints, streaming media etc. in remote or industrial environments where carrying a larger device is not possible.
  66. Email/SMS notifier for doorbell using Raspberry Pi: In this project, an e-mail and SMS notification to a registered e-mail address and mobile number will be sent in case of ringing of a doorbell. A Raspberry Pi board is used along with a USB dongle so that wired connection can be avoided. Additionally, a camera module can be used if the picture of the person ringing the doorbell has to be taken.
  67. LED Indication with Raspberry Pi for Email or Weather updates: Using an add-on card of LEDborg module, a Raspberry Pi can be used to notify any unread emails or weather updates like rain etc. The advantage of the add-on card is that the color of the LED can be programmed according to the notification. A standby LED can also be used with a resistor in series.
  68. A Face Tracking Camera with Pan and Tilt Control using Raspberry Pi: In this project, a real time face tracking camera is developed using Raspberry Pi. Two servo motors are used for pan and tilt control of the camera. A Raspberry Pi camera module or a simple webcam can be used to capture images.
  69. Self-Balancing Robot using Raspberry Pi: Balancing robots are a concept of the inverted pendulum. A self-balancing robot is constructed using Raspberry Pi. A PID controller gyro sensor and an accelerometer sensor are used to accurately calculate the angle so that the PWM to the motors is controlled and achieve in maintaining the centre of gravity.
  70. Raspberry Pi Point & Shoot Camera: The Raspberry Pi camera module has the ability to capture high quality images. A simple point and shoot camera is constructed using the camera module and Raspberry Pi. It is enabled with Wi-Fi, so that the captured image can be transferred to any cloud storage.
  71. Garage Door Controller using Raspberry Pi: Using this project, the garage door can be controlled from any internet enabled device like a smart phone or a laptop. A Raspberry Pi is used to control the relay, which controls the garage door. The Raspberry Pi is essentially turned into a web server.
  72. Internet Radio Streaming with Raspberry Pi: Pandora Internet Radio is one of the most popular internet radio services. In this project, a Raspberry Pi is turned into a music streaming device for internet radio. Additional components required are a breadboard, LCD screen and some switches.
  73. Raspberry Pi as an Oscilloscope: Oscilloscope is a very useful piece of electronic equipment for analyzing signals. Using a Raspberry Pi board and an XMOS startKIT board, a simple oscilloscope can be constructed. Such oscilloscopes can be used for low frequency signal analysis in teaching environment.
  74. Raspberry Pi car computer: A small, cheap Raspberry Pi based computer for car is designed here. It has a lot of interfacing options like HDMI and Composite RCA for video, HDMI and 3.5mm audio jack for audio.
  75. 4WD Robot using Raspberry Pi: A flexible and easy to use four-wheel drive robot is constructed using Raspberry Pi. Some of the main components are camera, IR sensor, ultrasonic sensors and audio sensor. A Pi Hat controller board is used for controlling speed of the vehicle and data acquisition from different sensors.
  76. Super Computer using Raspberry Pi: Individuals can’t own a Super computer as they are very expensive and take a lot of room. Super computers are generally used by research and development centers, applications where billions of instructions are to be carried out. Using a cluster of Raspberry Pi, we can construct a super computer of our own. This project demonstrates a way to implement a super computer using Raspberry Pi.

For  other list of projects in various categories, visit the following pages:

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